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Wisdom Blessed.png
Caucs Blessed.png
Jehovah And Lucifer.png
Almighty God.png
Jane And Jahseh.png
Jehovah Beloved God.png
Blessed Gift.png
Jehovah And Lucifer.png
Galactic Spread.png
Jehovah Restored.png
Jehovah's Creations.png
Arthur David Morris The Red.png
Jehovah Restored.png
Mystery Again.png
Bows To Jehovah.png
New Song Awesomesauce.png
Jehovah God Our Almighty Savior.png
Jane and Jon.png
Saved Unity.png
New Moses.png
Jehovah Almighty God Of All Creation.png
Saved Unity.png
New Day On New Worlds.png
Pissed At Cabbal.png

Israel Itself In Its Revolt Has Become More Demonic Than A Demon Itself Its Neck Is As The Neck Of Pharoah In Egypt And Will Soon Break; And They Themselves have Grown Stubborn; They Judge With Law; they Hand Out Law; But Hold Themselves Unaccountable; Judge Them For Their Error Oppress Them For Their Activities In Causing Mishief In the Earth; For Jehovah Is About To Bring Them To Utter Ruin; For Their Inequities Upon Humanity; They Have Pushed To This Side and That Causing Wars And Chaos Where They Go; So Jehovah Has Called Them To Account Because of Their Error; And Jon Alexander Morris Will Be Remembered For My Book of Creation "The Book of Hebron" For He Wrote It; And Gave it To Me Alone; And You Yourselves Like Theives Hide What Is Good For Yourselves And Give Utter Poison To Humanity. Disgraced Is How Jehovah Will Leave You; And Utterly Rejected In Every Place of Your Way He Will Cause Pain Upon You; And He Will Winnow You At The Gates And Harrass You As You Harrassed Others; For All Your Inequity Israel. Jehovah Himself has Spoken: "Your Error Is As The Error of Pharoah In Egypt; For I Tell You Let My People Go; yet You Hold Them Behind The Veil In Utter Discomfort; So I Will Hurl You Away In My Vengeace And Redeem Edom Atop The Flocks; And You Will Be Placed Below Assyria And Egypt For Your Disgrace Upon All The Lands Has Overwhelmed With Your Mishcief So Jehovah Is Hurling You Out From Behind the Veil And He is Hurling You To Your Land Blind Dead And Dumb And Will Not Take Pity On You In Your Disgrace.


Cursed Are All Israel And Cursed Have They
Been Since They Stole From Esau Says; Jehovah's Servans Whose Righteousness Comes From Jehovah Alone ; DO NOT FOLLOW THEM TO THEIR DESTRUCTION; AND BRING RUIN TO THEIR RUINATIONS AND PLANS OF DESOLATION:
Look Below At the Filth They Had Planned

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