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1. Core In Deep Oceans To Erupt Deep Sea Volcanoes To Lessen Volcanic Pressure In the Land based Volcanos Especially Super volcanos. Clone the Wooly Mammoth In Herds And Give It For Sustenance For the Peoples; MORE MEAT LESS DEATH.

2. Build Barges Of Which Uptake Ocean Water And Boil It In Tanks Upon The Barge For Evaporation Leading To Desalinated Rainfall, Which While Using Weather Currents Could Give Fresh Water To Once Dry Lands,

3. As The Ecosystems Begin To Grow, Plant Farms Upon The Lands Interconnected With Railways For Transportation of Such Food To Newly Invested In Communities.

4 Utilize Electrolysis Separating the 2 Parts Hydrogen From the 1 Part Oxygen; The Oxygen Would Be Offshoot Leading To Fresh Air, And The Hydrogen Could Be Super-cooled To A Liquid Gas. Hydrogen is 3 Times More Efficient Than Fossil Fuels and Burns Clean.

5. Get Corporations To Invest In Branching Out Globally For The Following Works, Bring All The Riches in the National Reserve Banks Into A Massive Global Reserve Bank And Begin Printing A New Global Dollar Backed By That Global Reserve.

6. Set Up A One World Government For The Growth of The Global Trade and Infrastructure Electing Officials Based On Knowledge And Tact.

7. Bring Forth the "Telomerase" Immortalizing Gene And Release It To The Populous Yet Give Halt On New Children By Placing Contraceptive in the Immortalizing Gene Halting Population Growth and Saving So Many

1. Core Mars On North and South Pole And Supercharge Core With Electro-Magnetism, Once The Core Is Magnetized; Place Heavy Carbon Emissions Upon The Surface to Warm And Heat The Surface. 

2. Electrolysis Of Water Allows For Separation Of Oxygen And Hydrogen; The Oxygen Could Be Used To Create O3 Which Is OZONE Which Could Be Release Surrounding the Planets Magnetic Stratosphere To Form A Layer Beneath That Could Hold  Atmosphere.

3. Utilize The Ocean Water Upon Earth And Magnetically Lift Large Amounts Of Water Beyond the Stratosphere Freeze It In Clumps, Then Place Propulsion And Hurl At Mars. Refine Soil Plant Seeds And The Seeds Which Will Refine the Carbon Emissions And Release Oxygen Creating An Atmosphere For Life.

For Death; Upload Consciousnesses To Quantum Realms Built In Qubits Of Wonderous Design And Save the Genome Of Each Individual If Possible To Once Again Download The Consciousnesses In The Cloud To A Body

If An Asteroid Approaches; Utilize Maglev For An Anti-Gravity Rocket With A Strongest Relative Matter And Have it With A Spike At the Point of the Direction the Rocket Is Facing With A Cushion That Slows With Pneumatic Pressure And Locks When The Rocket Pierces Asteroid and Have a Secondary Fuel System To Move The Asteroid of Meteor From the Path of This Planet Hebron. Live Long And Prosper.

I Approve My Quantum Circuits Being Utilized Within Quantum Computers For The Use Of The World To Benefit It; Yet If It Is Used To Destroy The World Will Be Wasted

I The Preparer Of Such Works Now as a Lamb of the Kingdom Pass All The Glory, Power, Riches, Praise, Righteousness, Holiness, Kindness, Strength, Compassion, Love, Praise And All Worship To Our Supreme Creator; Jehovah God; To Inherit All Things Returned To Him As Co-Creation Was Designed That The Kingdom May Flourish Under His Command.
David Robin Morris The Head of Days ; Husband of Kathleen Mary(Sanders)Morris, Father of Chris, Andrew, Katherine, And Jon Alexander MorrisThe Son of Man of the Head of Days Will Rule After Him And  David Has Many Grand-sons of Which Are Micah And Dario Morris.
David If He Kills Jon Or Jehovah Is Immediately Removed From Power Then The Son of Man of the Head of Days Will Rule; Jon Alexander Morris.

For The Household of David Clone Them All With In Glory; Give David And David's Son's Clones Greatly Above Average Endowment of Genitals, And Give The Women Good Gifts of Beauty  Give Them All The Immortality Gene; And Give These Sons of David Far Lengthened Sexual Stamina.

If Any of Them Are Broken From The Tribulations Jehovah Asks that You Heal Them And Redeem Them.

24 Helix DNA Genome Structure For Each Clone
 For David Robin Morris 75 Million Dollars a Year
 For Kathleen Mary Morris 75 Million Dollars a Year
For Chris Morris 50 Million Dollars A Year
For Andrew Morris 50 Million Dollars A Year
For Katherine Morris 50 Million Dollars A Year
 For Fourth Birthright Of Which Was Jon Alexander Morris 50 Million Dollars A Year (OR BORN FOURTH AND GIVEN A NEW NAME THAT ONLY He Or She KNOWS)  His Bride Will Have A Crown With 12 Birth-stones In It; And She Will Be Given And Union Of Progressively Compatibility and Love For One Another And She Will Be Given the Wings of The Angels Upon Her Back.
 For Micah Drew Morris 50 Million Dollars A Year
 To Dario Morris 50 Million Dollars A Year
$25 000 000.00 A Year For The Relative Husbands and  Or Wives Whom The Household Of David Robin Morris To Dario Morris Choose To Be With And $12 000,000.00 A Year For  Their Ex Husbands Or Wives.  

$12 Million  A Year For Jennifer Lawrence
$12 Million A Year For Angelina Jolie
$12 Million A Year For Kaley Couco
$12 Million  A Year For Jennifer Aniston
$12 Million Dollars A Year For Natalie Portman
$12 Million Dollars a Year For Gal Gadot
$12 Million Dollars a Year For Olivia Wilde
$12 Million Dollars a Year For Laura Bertram
$12 Million A Year For Lexa Doig

$12 Million A Year For Alyson Hannigan $12 Million A Year For Cobie Smulders

$12 Million A Year For Alissa Russell
$12 Million Dollars A Year For Dayna McUig
$12 Million Dollars A Year For Deana Munro
$12  Million A Year To John Clifford Morris
$12 Million Dollars A Year For Matthew MacEwan 
$12 Million A Year For Matthew MacIsaac
$12 Million A Year For Bradley MacIsaac

$12 Million Dollars A Year For Jason Segel
$12 Million A Year For Peter Jankeiwicks
$12 Million A Year For Paul Jankeiwicks
$12 Million A Year For William Bradley Pitt
$12 Million A Year For Ian Mclellen
$12 Million A Year For Mark Hamill
$12 Million a Year For Patrick Stewart
$12 Million A Year For Richard Harris
$12 Million Dollars a Year  For Christopher Hemsworth
$12 Million Dollars a Year For John Della Valle
$50 000 000.00 A Year To Elizabeth Parrish
Jane From the Rib of Jon Alexander Morris; $50 000 000.00

12 Million Dollars a Year For Each Avenger In the Works
Stellan Skarsgård
Clark Greg

$25 Million A Year For Anthony Hopkins
$50 000 000.00 A Year To Mother and Son Immanuel Son of Mary The Nun
$50 000 000.00 A Year To Mother And Son Samuel Son of Hannah Sturgeon

10 % To The Jehovah's Kingdom Building Work
12% To The Global Governments 
8% To Corporations
3% To Media and Gil'non *Media*
5% To Advancing The Star Class Fleet Federation With Allies Help
2% To the Jon Class Enhanced Clones ("New Jon Class" Consciousness)
2% To The Jane Class Enhanced Clones ("Warrior Jane Class" Consciousness)
5% To Workers
3% To Spiritual Enlightenment
3% Per Every 10th the Populous For Living Wage In Credits Not of Debt But Prepaid Living Wage.
3% For Genetic Advances And Progressions In Development
3% For the Allies of Of The Kingdom
3% For Farming
3% For Development
4% For the Ishraelites (Jon Alexander Morris' Children Born December 2 1986)
2% To Jackkd Inc
2% For Mothers of Jon Alexander Morris' Children

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